gavan wilhite

life as a video game



  1. How I've applied video game tech in other fields
  2. Life lessons I've learned along the way         (told through analogs to video games)
  3.              from these journeys

Short Stories

Hitting Max Level


  1. Got good (enough) grades
  2. Graduated high school
  3. Got into a good college
  4. Stayed out of (too much) trouble
  5. Graduated on time
  6. Got a good job


 "Is this the end?" 

Enjoy the End Game


It was just the end of prescribed steps


The end-game is where it really begins


You get to make your own goals

Thailand Story

Rolling the Dice

Games like Backgammon teach the value of creating expanded ways for luck to happen


Simultaneous projects can help expand those opportunities


It did for co-founding AltspaceVR


socializing at a distance via game technology

Reporter Story

Your Role in the Party

Especially as a founder, your role changes even when your title doesn't


Feeling overwhelmed -> There's an aspect of your role you haven't learned how to do well yet

  • Managing people
  • Prioritizing
  • Delegation
  • ...


Sometimes the role your ego wants isn't the role you as a whole really want

Forging your Gear

  • Limit spending "innovation tokens"
    • Each "non-battle hardened" technology costs a token
  • Avoid only using skills you are good at
    • For me, this is spending time coding to avoid other work
  • People say it's awesome != people will use it
    • This ratio is especially high in AR / VR

Getting Gud

We started by making a maximally flexible system


We only grew once we used that to learn where to focus


  1. Events
  2. Humor
  3. Creativity


I fought the focus sometimes, but it was critical

Comedy Story

Players of all Types

Altspace users came from all walks of life


You learn a lot about cultures when someone from Brazil is suddenly teleported next to someone from Saudi Arabia


Diversity brings pragmatic advantages


Women at the company were critical in recognizing and building important anti-harassment tools 


Rainbow was very helpful with this

Maze Story

Leading a Raid

  • Learn individually how people want to be worked with
    • Clear tasks vs collaborative ideation vs ...
  • Let others make decisions, it's how they grow
    • Leader-leader vs leader-follower
  • Minimize meetings with more than 3 people
  • Don't take too many teammates to lunch at the same time

HAH Story

Party Selection

Most important challenges require rallying multiple people


You can notice when people are being agents in the world


Believe people when they show you who they are


Receiving feedback well and taking responsibility are crucial


Work with people who are working on themselves

Watching Replays

Worry & regret don’t help


Planning, reflection, accountability & processing do


It's sad to loose something you and others put a ton of care into


It's still best to work on things that can make you feel that way


It takes work to unwind what is "you" from a project you worked on

Boat Story

Losing Your Gear

You get tossed in a dungeon, or you stow away on a spaceship


You loose the things that you felt you were relying on


This is part of the hero's journey, embrace it


It becomes evident that you still have what you need


Your greater mission can get you through

Character Building

Stoicism is awesome (and not what it sounds like)


Therapy is giving yourself "upgrades" not "reaching healthiness"


Steel-manning 'woo' can be great


Combining ethical frameworks for better choices

  • Consequentialism
  • Deontology
  • Virtue ethics


Meaningful Choice

Notice when you are "playing a role" vs being an agent


Under-served causes and oblique approaches can create extra impact


Doing things that otherwise would not happen is ideal



Invest in Passives

Strategy games teach you to build passive income systems


The earlier the better


IRL these are residuals, businesses, stocks, crypto, etc 


These aren't easy, but keep an eye for oportunities


Bits to Atoms

Finding new applications for existing skills can be rewarding


"Where can my background (game tech) apply to the physical world?"

  • Robots
  • Self-driving cars
  • Bioprinting
  • Projecting
  • Big games
  • ..
  • Addresses similar combinatoric challenges
  • Leverages battle-tested UI patterns
  • Powered by generative design

Tissue Workshop

a character customizer for designing human tissues

Generative Tissue Design

  • Uses the same techniques as generating cities in games
  • Few bits in, many bits out

Inspiration from Archetypes

Embracing character architypes that resonate with you can keep projects engaging


  • Rogue (UpGIF)
    • Inspired by bending the rules
  • Paladin (ReRoute)
    • Inspired by a righteous fight

You'd be surprised how big of a building you can light up with a normal projector..

an activism tool for projecting GIF animations on surfaces

Security Story

Reminding yourself that others are fighting the good fight alongside you fends off despair.

a podcast about ways to create a brighter future

Questing Forth

Life is better with a quest!


I'm building an app to help people find and do quests that matter


Collaborators and testers are welcome


Thank You Rainbow!


  1. Lorem
  2. Ipsum
  3. Dolor
  4. Sit
  5. ...

Creativity Exercise

List Making

  • Take 3 minutes to list 20 items
  • Good daily creativity practice
  • Numbering helps
  1. Mind map  (#nofilter)
  2. Highlight interesting ideas
  3. Erase the board
  4. Add the highlights back
  5. Repeat..

Creativity Exercise

Expansion <> Contraction

  1. Get post-its or a text editor
  2. Set a 3 minute timer
  3. Brainstorm privately
  4. Combine everyone's items
  5. Organize and consolidate together
  • Use in meetings with > 3 people
  • Great way to ensure people get heard
  • Can be kept anonymous

Parallel Brainstorm

  • Game design involves constant cycles of creativity
  • Lenses can remind us of important considerations
  • Useful in UX design
  • Some might not fit, but most can spark thought

Game Design Lenses

Bonus Tool

Bonus Tool

Rory's Story Cubes

  • Interpreted metaphorically
  • Useful for escaping local maxima
    • Adds significant "annealing heat"
  • Out of the cube thinking

Character Select


  • Born in Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Always loved digital art & technology
  • Studied Computer Science (Games) @ USC